IM2024 Online am Wochenende vom 21. und 22. September 2024

Das 30. Internationale Treffen von Sammlern und Forschern von Rechenschiebern und anderen historischen Rechengeräten (IM2024) findet am 21. und 22. September 2024 als online Veranstaltung über Zoom statt.

Das aktuelle Programm und weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dieser Unterlage. Informationen zum Treffen finden Sie auch auf der Webseite der Veranstaltung.

Zur Anmeldung schreiben Sie bitte eine E-Mail an mit Ihrem Namen und ihrem Wohnort und Land.

IM2024 – Weitere Informationen, Termine für Beiträge

Die Veranstalter des diesjährigen International Meeting (IM2024) haben weitere Informationen zu dieser Veranstaltung bereitgestellt:

  IM2024 as virtual ZOOM meeting
Date: 21 and 22 September 2024.
Time: about 9AM–1PM PDT, 12–4PM EDT, 5PM–9PM BST, and 6PM–10 PM CEST,
so the presentations can be joined all over the world.
Theme: Slide  Rules and Slide Charts for Special Subjects


Announcement IM 2024

People interested in Slide Rules and Historical Calculating Instruments are all over the world and are sometimes a member of one of the country organisations like the KRING in the Netherlands, The UKSRC in The United Kingdom, The RST in Germany, The Oughtred Society in the USA with their websites or are organised in dedicated groups in Spain, Italy, France, ISRG, ISRM, Internet discussion groups, etc or are individuals with their own websites.

The country organisations have organised Face-to-Face International Meetings from 1995 to 2019 to meet each other. Since the corona period this changed to virtual ZOOM Meetings, with the added advantage that more collectors start participating. During the recent IM2023 last September, it was discussed that expanding these IM’s to a larger group of collectors is a way to facilitate communication between collectors of all countries and to distribute knowledge as wide as possible. This is important because the number of Slide Rule collectors is worldwide reducing due to the age aspect.

For 2024 the KRING from The Netherlands will facilitate a virtual International Meeting. We will collect direct and indirect email addresses to reach as much as possible collectors. We ask country organisations and other formal and informal groups to forward this announcement. The more collectors with knowledge, the wiser we will become. If you know collectors who are interested, please forward the address and we will put them on our mailing list.

The IM 2024 opens the possibility for you to present your research work done in recent times or to investigate a challenging subject. There is still much to investigate after more than 300 years Slide Rules.

Details about the International Meeting:
Presentation topic: before 1 June 2024, to prepare the agenda
Final Paper and PowerPoint (or equivalent ): before 1 September 2024
Please send to:

During the previous Face-to-Face International Meetings, all presentations were published in Proceedings, which ensures accessibility of your work in the future. These IM Proceedings are now collector items by itself. To ensure that your work, presented during the virtual meeting, will be saved for future, your presentation – as text article – will be published in the Journal of the Oughtred Society, as alternative for the Proceedings. Details will follow.

To assure that the Proceedings can be published shortly after the Meeting, it is required that you sent the PowerPoint AND your paper before 1 September 2024.

Guidelines for ZOOM, PowerPoint and Paper:
ZOOM: We will send you a link before the Meeting. Indication for duration of presentation is about 30 minutes.
POWERPOINT or equivalent from your own PC directly on ZOOM. Backup is the unit you sent us by 1 Sept.
PAPER for publication in JOS: Send your text in “flat Word” or equivalent in one column. You may use bold and italics. The Editor will take care for page size and margins. Easy as it is.

How do we present our own collection:

Usually about 60 people will join the Zoom meeting. In the past the topic of “how do you store and display your collection” has discussed several times. Now we are communicating via Zoom it is easy that many of the participants show via a photo their way for presentation and storage at home. The intention is to reserve part of the time for these short shows and admire the efforts of everybody. These photos will not be published. Please inform us when you join this collective action before 1 September.

What was your first Slide Rule:

Another topic which we like to include is: Present your first sliderule. Probably we can find out if a certain type was in favor. Please inform us when you join this collective action before 1 September.


Although all of you will receive the ZOOM link some days before the virtual meeting, we would appreciate it when you sent us an email around 1 September that you intend to join the meeting

Slide Charts are made fort many purposes. In the past some authors have presented about it, but there are still many interesting specials to study. We hope you can tell the International community about it.


Chris Hakkaart, Andries de Man, Leo van der Lucht, Karl Kleine (ZOOM support)

Vorankündigung IM2024

Das nächstjährige International Meeting (IM2024) wird von unseren niederländischen Sammlerkollegen organisiert. Es wird am 21. und 22. September 2024 als Online-Meeting stattfinden.

Die Veranstalter des IM2024 haben heute die folgende Vorankündigung verschickt:

Pre-Announcement IM2024

People interested in Slide Rules and Historical Calculating Instruments are all over the world and are sometimes a member of one of the country organisations like the KRING in the Netherlands, The UKSRC in The United Kingdom, The RST in Germany, The Oughtred Society in the USA with their websites or are organised in dedicated groups in Spain, Italy, France, ISRG, ISRM, Internet discussion groups, etc or are individuals with their own websites.

The country organisations have organised Face-to-Face International Meetings from 1995 to 2019 to meet each other. Since the corona period this changed to virtual ZOOM Meetings, with the added advantage that more collectors start participating. During the recent IM2023 last September, it was discussed that expanding these IM’s to a larger group of collectors is a way to facilitate communication between collectors of all countries and to distribute knowledge as wide as possible. This is important because the number of collectors is worldwide reducing due to the age aspect.

For 2024 the KRING from The Netherlands will facilitate a virtual International Meeting. We will collect direct and indirect email addresses to reach as much as possible collectors. We ask country organisations and other formal and informal groups to forward this announcement. The more collectors with knowledge, the wiser we will become. If you know collectors who are interested, please forward the address and we will put them on our mailing list.

IM2024 as virtual ZOOM meeting

Date: 21 and 22 September 2024.

Theme: Sliderules and Slidecharts for Special subjects

This opens the possibility for you to present your research work done in recent times or to investigate a challenging subject. After more than 300 years sliderules there is still much to investigate.

During the previous Face-to-Face International Meetings, all presentations were presented in Proceedings, which ensures accessibility of your work in the future. These IM Proceedings are now collector items by itself. To ensure that your work presented during the virtual meeting will be saved for future, your presentation – as text article – will be published in the Journal of the Oughtred Society, as alternative for the Proceedings. Details will follow.

With this Pre-Announcement we hope to initiate an interesting program next year.

If you are interested to participate or to give a presentation, sent
an email to


Chris Hakkaart, Andries de Man, Leo van der Lucht

Internationales Treffen IM2023: 400 Jahre Rechenschieber

Das diesjährige International Meeting (IM2023) findet am 30. September und am 1. Oktober 2023 online per ZOOM statt. Die Veranstalter haben die Frist zur Einreichung von Vorschlägen, Präsentationen und Unterlagen bis zum 15. September verlängert. Am zweiten Tag der Veranstaltung findet eine Versteigerung seltener und interessanter Exemplare statt.

Wenn Sie ein interessantes Thema über Rechenschieber, Rechenscheiben oder andere historische Rechengeräte haben, und sich berufen fühlen der internationalen Sammlergemeinschaft etwas darüber zu erzählen, so sollten Sie mit den IM2023-Organisatoren Kontakt aufnehmen.

Details zum Treffen finden Sie auf der beiliegenden Folie, ebenso die Kontaktadressen.

Bild vergrößern

„Call for Papers“ für IM2023 Treffen im Herbst

Das diesjährige International Meeting (IM2023) wird am 30. September und am 1. Oktober 2023 online per ZOOM stattfinden. Die Veranstalter haben bereits zur Einreichung von Vorschlägen für Vorträge aufgerufen.

Vorschläge für Vorträge können bis zum 27. Mai 2023 bei Bob De Cesaris und Jim Bready per E-Mail eingereicht werden. Vortragssprache ist Englisch. Die Unterlagen für die ausgewählten Vorträge müssen dann bis zum 16. September 2023 bei den Veranstaltern fertig abgeben werden.

Wenn Sie ein interessantes Thema über Rechenschieber, Rechenscheiben oder andere historische Rechengeräte haben, und sich berufen fühlen der internationalen Sammlergemeinschaft etwas darüber zu erzählen, so sollten Sie mit den IM2023-Organisatoren Kontakt aufnehmen.